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Authentication in the Mind of the Consumer

Despite all of the concerns about online privacy, we still hear reports about people not protecting themselves online. They use simple passwords, they reuse passwords across websites, and they expose their most personal and intimate data through social media.

Identity Theft Products: Good for Customers. Great for Business.

Approximately, 12.6 million Americans were victimized by identity theft in 2012, and an estimated 11.6 million Americans were hit by identity theft in 2011, compared to 10.2 million in 2010. In 2011 alone, consumers spent $3.5 billion on products and services that help safeguard against threats to privacy, identity theft and fraud. Offering identity theft solutions to meet this consumer demand can result in successful revenue-generating opportunities for financial institutions.

Insurers: Building Trust by Protecting Consumers in the Digital Age.

North American consumers show a growing appetite for expanding their use of online services and mobile devices but want more awareness and control over how their personal information can be safeguarded to protect their credit,their identities, and their overall privacy. P&C insurance companies are well positioned to be thought leaders and help consumers understand how their personal information, when exposed, can put them at risk. With risks increasing,insurers are well positioned to be a key resource in protecting consumers.

Customer Loyalty in the Insurance Sphere: Increase Touch Points, Increase Engagement.

Engaged customers spend 30 percent more with a business.Yet, when it comes to insurance, there¿s a unique challenge: A lack of customer touch points to drive engagement. Consumers select a policy and possibly even pay their bill only once or twice a year, with any other significant contact typically initiating from the customer when there's a problem or claim. Solve the problem or process the claim successfully, and you build loyalty and job well done. But, where are the opportunities for more regular interaction?

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