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Experian® Affiniity allows you to expand the products you offer and be the brand your customers turn to for credit reports, credit scores, credit monitoring, identity protection, fraud resolution and more. You can help to strengthen customer loyalty and retention, as well as grow revenue, with a strategic partnership with Experian. We have a proven track record of supporting partnerships with top brands, financial institutions and business organizations.

Creating a unique product – one that no other competitor has – from Experian’s selection of innovative credit scorecredit report and identity protection features. Choose the features that speak directly to your customers and help them live more financially informed lives.

Experian brings the power and innovation of a global business entity to every affinity partnership, including yours. We are well versed in regulatory and compliance issues and leverage Experian’s vast data security capabilities in every aspect of our business. In customizing a loyalty solution for your business, we deliver products that your customers value and that help you to grow revenue, increase customer retention and strengthen your brand. Experian offers advanced branding and platform integration to give your customers a seamless experience moving from your core product to your Experian-powered product. Customers feel empowered to take charge of their finances and protect their assets, a positive experience that reflects positively on your brand.

The features of these products include award-winning fraud resolutioncredit monitoringLost Wallet protection, insurance/guarantee and other tools that help consumers work toward their financial goals and protect their identities.

Credit monitoring is an automated process that securely reviews a consumer’s report for changes and triggers an automated alert detailing any detected activity. Experian offers daily monitoring, checking for more than 50 signs of fraud, as a 1-bureau (Experian only) or 3-bureau (Experian, Equifax® and TransUnion®) feature. This daily monitoring helps consumers identify suspicious activity on their reports so they can address it and minimize the damage.

Experian offers identity protection for individuals with ProtectMyID® and customized solutions that you create from the features, including report monitoring, Lost Wallet and Internet Scan, that are most valuable to your customers.

Your customers have assets to protect, finances to keep tabs on and identities to manage. It's easier for them to do so when a company with which they already have a relationship offers report & score products and identity-focused solutions to meet these needs. They don’t have to go looking for these products elsewhere, and, by getting even more of what they want from one company, they feel more invested in their relationships with you. Today’s consumers want convenience and added peace of mind, and Experian’s affinity marketing can help you give them just that. Plus, when consumers have the information they need to help make important financial decisions, such as deciding when to buy a home or car, that empowerment reflects positively on you.

Experian's award-winning call center is staffed by full-time Fraud Resolution Agents who are certified under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and, soon, as Identity Theft Risk Management Specialists. The call center is U.S.-based, from where experienced agents offer customers one-on-one assistance in resolving fraud. In fact, Experian is 97% faster at resolving fraud than consumers who try to do it on their own.

No, Experian is not a licensed insurance company. However, many Experian products come with a guarantee or an insurance policy serviced by insurance company, or affiliates of, American International Group, Inc.

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