Charge-off collections services
Ensure you’re sending the right accounts to the right agencies.
In today’s economic environment, automated collections agency placement is necessary to achieve optimum agency performance and increase netback. Aligning the right agencies to collections accounts that match their expertise, and ensuring commissions paid are commensurate with the type and age of the accounts, enable utility companies to effectively manage performance and results. Our charge-off collections services and robust data help you optimize your recoveries and enhance your decisioning.
Enable an analytical, strategic approach to meet today’s collections challenges with PowerCurve Collections.
Better predict your customer’s ability and willingness to pay with Tax Season Payment Indicator.
Leverage Collection Triggers to receive daily notifications of new contact information and updates.
Our dedicated utilities team is on hand to help you keep pace with the changing utilities landscape.
Learn how a fintech company leveraged Experian’s Tax Season Payment Indicator to identify past due customers.
Make better data-driven collections decisions across the customer lifecycle.