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Improve Your Email Marketing Campaign by Taking Content to The Next Level

Once you've started using email marketing, take a few measures to improve your email marketing content by making it more exciting, innovative and diverse. Try a few of these ideas:

  • Conduct a customer survey to find out the type of content customers would like to see. Include questions such as: “Do you prefer information that's visual or text-based?” and “What's most useful: tip lists, news articles or case studies?” Revise your content going forward based on what you learn.
  • For each email newsletter, poll your customers by asking them a question. The question could be more thought-provoking and based on a current news event, or just for fun. Provide poll results in your next newsletter. You could even highlight the results in a bar chart or graph to add some visual interest.
  • Interview a few of your customers, and turn those conversations into case studies. It's a great way to add a human element to your newsletter, and it will keep your content fresh and unique.
  • Plan ahead by creating a content calendar. Map out the article topics you want to cover over the next few months, and incorporate relevant promotions, sales and events. This way, you won't be scurrying at the last minute to come up with a concept. Plus, you will improve the quality of your newsletter content.

You can find even more ideas to improve email marketing campaigns by subscribing to marketing industry newsletters.

Need More Email Addresses?

Direct mail is a great way to build your email database.

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