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Improve results by maximizing cross-sell opportunities

To optimize the display of transaction-related information and maximize cross-sell opportunities presented by transactional messages, the recent customer action should be the focus of a transactional email. Any images or content related to the transaction, as well as customer service links, should take priority in the email design. After taking an in-depth look at several of these key content features, Experian has identified those that create the most positive impact on campaign performance:

Cross-sell Items

Buyers are eager to view their order and shipping confirmations. Optimize this high level of engagement by including information and images pertaining to relevant and related products and services in the body of the email. Transactional emails that include cross-sell items have 20 percent higher transaction rates than those without.

Product personalization

Compared with emails that display static cross-sell items, emails including cross-sell items that relate to the current or past purchases have significantly higher transaction rates. Keep in mind that cross-selling initiatives do not have to focus only on tangible products, but also can pertain to the sale of additional services applicable to the customer.

Order status tracking

It is a best practice to make customer service links such as order status/order tracking a priority over standard website links. Order and shipping confirmations that included a link to order tracking had two times the click rate and 23 percent higher transaction rates than confirmations without status links.

Website navigation

Although customer service links — such as order status, shipping tracking and “My Account” — should take priority, design the email template to also include some Website navigation. Confirmation emails including limited Website navigation produce more than double the click rate of confirmations with no site navigation.

Email acquisition

If you are mailing to customers who are not yet on your subscriber email file, include a link to allow them to sign up. Ensure that the messaging speaks to the benefits of the email program.

Need more email addresses?

Direct mail is a great way to build your email database.

Start building a robust email campaign now!