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Singles and Starters


The six segments in this group contain downscale Milllennials with upwardly mobile aspirations. Concentrated in small cities across the country, these households tend to be young , ethnically-mixed and unattached (half are single while a quarter are single parents). Most are on their own and starting to build independent lives in apartments with other young singles. They're college-educated, though not necessarily college graduates and many are toiling away at entry-level positions in service-sector jobs. These self-described workaholics share a desire to move up in status and they realize that every career journey starts with a first step.

Market Size

8.83 percent of U.S. households

Key Traits
Single lifestyles Urban renters
Generation Y Active leisure lives 
Aspirational Fashion-conscious
Liberal views Early tech adopters
Progressive attitudes Digitally influenced
Digital Media Behavior

The young members of this group are relatively active online, using the Internet less for transactions than for communication (joining blogs and chart forums and instant-messaging friends) - and entertainment (downloading games, listening to Internet radio and watching video streaming). Job and car sites are popular, as well as sites offering social media ( and sports information ( These Americans have integrated the Internet into their lifestyles, going online with their cell phones or desktop machines, whether from home, school or when out and about.

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