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Promising families


This group consist mainly of millennials who've married, moved into their first homes and started families. These predominantly white households live in small homes in affordable new subdivisions. In the two segments that make up this group, most of the adults are recently married, new to the workforce and raising young children, who are mostly of pre-school age. In this group, the American dream is characterized by a computer in the family room, a trampoline in the backyard and an SUV and multiple bikes in the garage.

Market Size

3.36 percent of U.S. households

Key Traits
Young families Status-conscious
Solid incomes
Team sports Busy lives
Internet-savvy Credit active

Casual family

Digital Media Behavior

The tech-savvy families are active users of digital media. They go online for a variety of utilitarian purposes - to buy toys and hobby items, bank, make travel arrangements, trade stocks and get the weather report - and to keep their children entertained at home with music, videos, games and Internet radio. Technology also helps them juggle work and childcare: they're twice as likely as average Americans to use their personal computers for telecommuting. These busy parents also go online to get information about products and services available near their new subdivisions. Among their favorite websites are those that focus on sports (,, classifieds (, and child-oriented amusement (,

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