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Economic challenges


The four segments in this group reflect the nation's least affluent. These households contain economically-challenged singles and divorced and widowed individuals living in isolated towns and cities. With modest educations and lower-echelon jobs, many struggle to make ends meet. Many of their communities face endemic problems associated with poverty and crime. As a group, the households are older (ages range from 45 to 75), ethnically-mixed, without children and transient. Half have lived at the same address for fewer than five years. Many of these unmarried and unattached singles have moved into these rundown communities with few resources other than a hope of starting over.

Market Size

4.69 percent of U.S. households

Key Traits
Mid-age singles Ethnically diverse
Economically-challenged Transient
Aspirational Meager means
Price-sensitive Gaming
Local activities Low digital use
Digital Media Behavior

With their low incomes and advancing ages, this group have relatively little interest in digital technology. While a few have dial-up access to the internet at home, most tend to go online using computers in libraries and local schools. They like websites that offer games, lottery results, basketball scores and educational courses. Many of these single adults now frequent social media sites. However, many also tell researchers that they're confused by computers and claim that the Internet has had no impact on their lives.

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