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Customer leads

How to build a customer profile

Knowing your audience is the most important aspect of your direct marketing efforts. To grow your business, you need marketing leads lists that match the profiles of your current best customers.

Experian™ provides tools and insight to help you profile your best customers. Experian enables you to learn about consumers in your area and their demographics, lifestyle attributes, shopping behavior, purchasing habits, opinions they have and more. You can target customers of specific retailers, retail categories, product categories and even brands to begin profiling.

The quickest and easiest means of identifying your potential new customers is to examine your existing customers and create your customer profile. Once you have a profile that describes your best customers, you can build direct mailing lists.

To help identify your ideal customers, you also might ask the following questions:
  • Who are my current customers? Explore the characteristics that define your present customers. What age are they? Are they typically married? What is their income?
  • What do my customers purchase? What is the amount of the average transaction?
  • When do my customers purchase? Find natural events that coincide with sales of your product or service. For example, if you own a home supply store, the best time to solicit marketing leads may be when someone moves or purchases a house.
  • Where do my customers purchase? While targeting customers within close proximity of your location works, you may want to market to a larger audience.
  • Where do my customers live? Do they live in close proximity to my business? Do they occupy a specific area of town?
  • How many times a year do they purchase my product or service? Is the purchase cyclical or seasonal?
  • What is the estimated age of my best customer? Do I have customers in several age groups? Are my customers typically the same age?
  • What is their estimated household income, age, gender and marital status?
  • Do they have children, and, if so, what are their ages?
  • How do they spend their free time? Do they share any hobbies or interests?
  • What is their estimated current home value, and how long have they lived there?
  • Once you find out all you can about your customers, you can target your marketing leads lists, saving you money and increasing sales.
Additional uses for our marketing leads:
  • Telemarketing
  • Network marketing
  • Real estate
  • Direct marketing
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