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Green consumer mailing lists

Target and segment the "green" consumer market

With the consumer population progressively growing in "green" activity and environmental awareness, marketers need a new strategy for developing consumer loyalty and optimizing marketing efforts when it comes to how "green" their customers and prospects are. This consumer segmentation approach defines four distinct segments of consumers based on attitudes and preferences of how "green" brands are.

Four unique green segments are available
Behavioral greens

Behavioral greens hold negative attitudes toward products that pollute and they incorporate green choices into their purchasing decisions.

Think greens

This consumer segment is more likely to recycle and will consider a green option if it does just as good of a job meeting their consumer needs.

Potential greens

This consumer segment doesn't typically behave in a particularly environmentally-conscious way; however, they do recognize they are not as green as they should be.

True browns

This consumer segment is not environmentally-conscious and may in-fact have negative attitudes or are aloof to the "green movement". They do not recycle and place a low priority on reducing waste and being "green".