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Five Ways to Use Email Marketing

Email marketing offers a variety of specialized uses that can be tailored to both your business and your customers. Take a look at this handy checklist for ideas that can energize your own online marketing!

1. Increase sales conversions

Prospects may require up to nine “touches” before making a buying decision. When you’re communicating with new prospects, repetition isn’t optional. It’s mandatory.

2. Generate repeat sales

Getting new customers is expensive — anywhere from six to 12 times more expensive than selling to an existing one. Keeping in touch on a regular basis can generate repeat sales and improve customer loyalty.

3. Up-sell and cross-sell your products

Email provides a great opportunity for you to help customers order “one more” product while they’re in the mood to buy. It is easy to create a series of email messages that are timed to follow up with offers of related interest.

4. Gain feedback from your visitors

Email in particular provides your customers with a unique opportunity to give honest feedback. Now you’re ready to adapt to what your market wants.

5. Drive Web users to offline purchases

Email marketing is often a catalyst for Web users to purchase offline. More than half of users in one survey had made a purchase offline after receiving an email promotion. Make it easy for customers to find you and see your business hours and other essentials.

Start building a robust email campaign now