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Tips on How to Generate Effective Emails

Remember To Say "Thank You"

Giving thanks matters. All messages related to the purchase life cycle should include some type of messaging thanking customers for their business. Shipping confirmations that did not say Thank you; had 35 percent lower click and transaction rates than those that included it.

Maximize Branding Opportunities

Use HTML to optimize the look and feel of transactional emails. Including both static and dynamic content pertaining to cross-sell products and services will increase transactions and broaden awareness of your products. When possible, use dynamic recommendation engines, next-most-likely-to-buy models or business rules such as seasonality.

Enhance The Customer Experience

Include links for site navigation, order status, customer service, email subscription and social media. The goal is to make it as easy and inviting as possible for your customers to stay engaged with you. When mailing to first-time purchasers, inclusion of a rewards program sign-up link will serve to stimulate subsequent purchase behavior.

Comply With The CAN-SPAM Act

Do not include an offer as the subject line or as the main message. Also, include a message assuring the customer of the security of the transaction, and offer a link to your privacy policy.

Need more email addresses?

Direct mail is a great way to build your email database.

Start building a robust email campaign now