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Direct Mail

How to Create a Successful Direct Mail Piece

Here are some direct mail ideas from Experian that can help improve your campaign's success.

The direct mail piece you create delivers your message and offer to your list of leads. Although it is the last component of the campaign, the actual mail piece should be given careful consideration.

The piece represents who and what you are. Make it consistent with what you're selling. If you are offering a high-quality professional service, your direct mail piece needs to reflect that quality. If your product is colorful and visual, include a vivid photo or samples.

A successful direct mail piece achieves two objectives:

  • Identifies a need
  • Shows how you can fill that need
Create the Best Direct Mail Offer

Once you identify your market and build a direct mailing list, the next critical step is your offer. All forms of direct mail include some type of offer. To determine the most effective offer, ask yourself, "What do I want to accomplish?" More customers and increased sales are probably the overall objective. Your offer must be strong enough to make your audience respond.

Making an offer doesn't mean you are giving up your profit. Keep in mind that if your offer is strong enough to bring in a new customer, this one offer has resulted in another customer who most likely will bring you more customers. Remember, an offer doesn't have to be perceived as valuable, but it must be perceived as needed. What do your customers need? What would make a prospective customer call you or walk into your business? What sets you apart from your competitors? You are the authority on your customers.

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