Successful suburbia

Welcome to the new generation of household consumer classification for the United States. Our objective is to provide decision makers with the services and tools they need to successfully implement direct-marketing and micromarketing strategies within their business. With demographic and lifestyle combinations, you can create mailing lists that fit the uniqueness of your customer base. Here is what we know about the majority of households listed in our "Successful Suburbia" mailing list.


Middle-aged, married couples with children who enjoy an upscale life far from the downtown hustle of city living.

0.91 percent of U.S. households

  • Own upscale homes, built around 1985, primarily in East Coast towns on the metro fringe
  • Are predominantly white and college-educated, earning relatively high incomes
  • Work in management and professional jobs in health care, retail and manufacturing
  • They rank near the top for having multiple workers and cars to commute to jobs
  • Lead busy family-oriented lifestyles, participating in varied leisure activities
  • Like to cook, garden, and go to aquariums, bowling alleys and theaters
  • Enjoy outdoor athletic activities, such as golf, soccer, baseball, football and swimming
  • Travel frequently for business and pleasure, mostly to domestic beaches and ski resorts
  • Are brand-loyal shoppers at Kohl's, BJ's Wholesale, Old Navy, Linens 'n Things and Best Buy
  • Buy home-based electronics (desktop computers, video game systems, home theaters)
  • Drive SUVs
  • Carry a variety of credit cards while maintaining high levels of investments
  • Are a tough media sell, exhibiting relatively low rates for consuming most media except radio
  • Tune in family-friendly television sitcoms and animated shows such as 'The Simpsons'
  • Watch cable television channels such as ABC Family and TBS
  • Subscribe to some home-based magazines (Popular Mechanics, Cooking Light, Parents)
  • Prefer listening to country, classic rock and golden oldies on the radio
  • Are beginning to rely on the Internet for sports news, auctions and medical information
  • Have little patience for advertising and declare that television commercials are annoying

Reach successful suburbia

Connect with this market now. You'll have the option to narrow it down to your specific geographic area.