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Learn How Experian Business Credit Scores Are Calculated

Collecting Information

We collect three types of information regarding your business:

  1. Credit obligation information from your suppliers and lenders

  2. Legal filings from local, county and state courts

  3. Company background information from independent sources, including state filing offices, public records, credit card companies, collection agencies, corporate financial information and marketing databases

This information is combined with data from other sources, including:

  • Actual trade payment experiences submitted by payees
  • Public record information
  • Collections information
  • Company background and comparative data that places a company’s payment performance in context within its industry
Calculating Your Business Credit Score

Your Experian credit score is calculated by a statistically derived algorithm, designed to determine risk based on multiple factors.

  • Credit: Number of trade experiences, balances outstanding, payment habits, credit utilization and trends over time
  • Public Records: Recency, frequency and dollar amounts associated with liens, judgments or bankruptcies
  • Demographic Information: Years on file, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code and business size