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Lenders Missing From Business Credit Report

If a supplier or lender that you deal with isn’t listed on your business credit report, it’s most likely because the supplier doesn’t report your payment history to Experian. Your payment history is one of the factors upon which your business credit report and score are based. However, not all suppliers report to credit reporting agencies like Experian. In fact, of the more than 500,000 suppliers extending credit, only about 10,000 report. Only by working with those that report can you improve your business credit report and score. If a supplier or lender does not report your credit, you can encourage them to report.

If you are interested in building small business credit, particularly if you are a small business just starting out, we suggest you find companies that will issue credit in the name of your business and report your payment experience to business credit reporting agencies such as Experian.

Learn how to build business credit