Experian's commitment to its Global Information Values is the same wherever it conducts business. However, the actions Experian takes to uphold its values vary to meet diverse cultural expectations and legal requirements in the nations in which it operates. In the United States, Experian does the following to uphold its Global Information Values:


  • We evaluate each product and service to assure balance between consumers' privacy expectations and the economic benefit to both consumers and clients
  • We interact with consumer groups, regulators, industry associations and others to develop practices that build consumer trust in our sense of fairness


  • We acquire information from reputable sources and take reasonable precautions to ensure and maintain the accuracy of that information
  • We employ quality control procedures that help identify inaccurate or out-of-date information and minimize the addition of such information to our databases
  • We periodically audit the information within our databases to maximize its accuracy and currentness
  • Before we provide information to a client, we understand how that information is going to be used and we ensure that its use will be fair to consumers
  • We frequently update the information in our databases to ensure it is as current as possible
  • We periodically review our clients' marketing materials to make sure their criteria are consistent with and appropriate for the intended use
  • We provide a process for consumers to dispute information within their credit report that they believe is inaccurate


  • We use a variety of security systems to safeguard the information we maintain and provide
  • We maintain physical security for our facilities and limit access to critical areas
  • We conduct approval processes before information Experian maintains can be accessed or changed


  • We comply with all laws and applicable self-regulatory guidelines
  • We respond to marketplace signals that our use of information has gone beyond reasonable public expectations and make appropriate changes to meet marketplace needs while remaining within those expectations
  • We acquire information with assurance that it has been obtained legally and can be provided to us for use and disclosure
  • We comply with all contractual restrictions placed on information provided to Experian
  • If we believe that a client is using Experian's information in a manner that does not comply with applicable laws, industry codes or contracts, we will pursue corrective action, up to and including termination of the relationship
  • We periodically review the use of Experian's information by our clients to ensure appropriateness


  • We are open and honest about the types of information we maintain, our information sources and how the information is used
  • We maintain a dialogue with consumer advocates, clients, consumers, government officials and industry associations about privacy concerns
  • We educate consumers, clients and employees about our business and our Information Values
  • We actively encourage clients to comply with applicable self-regulatory practices
  • On our Web site, we give clear notice regarding the information we collect, how the information will be used and what choices consumers have regarding such use