Understand identity. Understand people.

By understanding people, you can make smarter, more efficient, consumer-conscious business decisions. Consumer Sync enables signal agnostic collaboration across marketers and technologies, bringing together digital devices and IDs, households, and attributes to gain a better understanding of consumers and make identities actionable in any environment.







data hygiene

Cleanse data — drive engagement.

Bad data can be worse than no data. Building a solid data foundation means you can make smarter decisions. This sets your marketing up for success by verifying, correcting, and standardizing customer information so you engage the right people. 

  • Standardize postal addresses, emails, and names

  • Update missing or incorrect information

  • Identify movers through USPS and proprietary Experian data

connecting consumers

Resolve identities. Understand audiences.

Signal loss and channel fragmentations means marketers are often only seeing part of the picture. Our approach to identity resolution is open and agnostic, we can collect and ingest nearly all available offline and online identifiers, in all types of environments.  


  • Unify fragmented offline identifiers such as name, address, phone  

  • Resolve digital IDs such as MAIDs, CTV IDs, hashed emails, IP addresses, and cookieless IDs, back to one household or individual

  • Maintain persistency as signal loss increases with our future-proof cookieless identifiers
online and offline engagement

Collaborate easily. Increase match rates in privacy-safe environments.

Without a common language, marketing and advertising technologies can’t efficiently communicate. Using our Experian identifiers, we enable data collaboration in our secure environment or in our vetted clean room partners, which includes Amazon, Snowflake, and InfoSum.  


  • Link offline data to digital IDs like hashed emails, MAIDs, and IP addresses
  • Analyze data set overlap without exposing sensitive customer data to your partner


  • Achieve higher match rates with our diverse offline and digital ID databases

Make your next marketing move with confidence.

The marketing world is saturated, and consumers expect customized business interactions. You can’t afford not to know who your customers are, how they behave, or what they need. Trust us to connect your brand to your audiences for lasting, results-driven relationships.

Why Experian?

Trusted by brands you love

We've been making an impact in the marketing and advertising industry for years. It’s what we do with data that makes a difference in marketing. Our capabilities make data more useful, and we’re always building our portfolio in the direction of deeper human understanding.  

Consumer Sync resources

Connecting the Dots of Consumer Identity

Connecting the dots of consumer identity

webinar thumbnail

Building the future of connected consumer identity

Identity evolution

Know your audience: the evolution of identity

Build a more complete consumer experience. Start here.

Understand people, their patterns, and their journeys to drive meaningful action and accurate attribution. Our trusted and compliant consumer technology makes identity complete, collaborative, and connected.
