Your marketing has never been more targeted
Leverage Experian Marketing Services' powerful consumer data to learn more about your customers, drive new business, and deliver intelligent interactions across all channels.
ConsumerView can take your business to the next level with thousands of data attributes available, such as:
- Consumer demographics like age, gender, marital status, family status and income.
- Life event triggers like new homeowners and new movers.
- Automotive data that provides insight into the vehicles consumers have in their garages and the likelihood of households to purchase a vehicle.
- Highly predictive financial segments, such as summarized credit statistics, based on Experian's national consumer credit file aggregated at an area level.
- Purchase data that gives insight into past purchases and also predicts future buys across dozens of product categories.
- Consumer decision-making styles and preferred marketing communication channels.
- Attitudinal and behavioral data such as interests, hobbies and brand preferences.
- Mosaic® USA lifestyle segmentation data that segments the country into 19 overarching groups and 71 underlying types.
- Business information on millions of U.S. businesses including business owner data.
- Technology attributes which provide vivid detail into the use and adoption of devices and even social media platforms.
- Political personas that predict liberal to conservative and everything in between, even social attitudes and opinions.