Experian’s Restaurant Marketing Solutions

How well do you know your guests? Get to know them on a deeper level with insights from Experian. We have all the ingredients you need to cook up a data-driven restaurant marketing strategy with precision and success. We’re here to help you identify and create a connection with customers to secure more share of wallet. How? By deploying marketing messages that resonate, activating them on the channels your guests use most, then optimizing and measuring the impact of your campaigns.

  • Experian can provide you with insights including:
  • Consumer demographics like age, gender, marital status, children and income
  • Life event triggers like new parents, new homeowners, and new movers
  • Purchase data that gives insight into past purchases and predicts future buys across dozens of product categories
  • Consumer decision-making styles and preferred marketing communication channels
  • Attitudinal and behavioral data such as interests, hobbies and brand preferences
  • Online and offline data linkage to determine which customers who visited your website also came through your door
  • Mobile location data to help you target both your own and competitor store foot traffic, provide measures of consumer visit patterns before and after advertising exposures and better understand the day to day behaviors of your guests

With a powerful combination of your transactional data and our consumer marketing data and analytics, we’ll help you increase store traffic with high value customers, reactivate customers who haven’t visited in a while and keep customers coming back for more!

Beyond campaigns, Experian can also provide you with insights to support your site planning, as well as dwell time, mapping of commutes, competitive restaurant data and much more.

From dine-in to delivery to take-out, Experian’s innovative data and analytics help you serve up the best possible customer experience.

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