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Consumers know what they want, and they want brands to know them. To resonate with consumers and beat the competition, marketers need ensure they are targeting the right consumers, with messaging the speaks to them, not at them. Successful marketers leverage a data-driven strategy, which goes beyond demographic data to include behavioral, lifestyle and attitudinal information, enabling them to target and communicate with consumers on a deeper level.

Experian’s easy to use Mosaic® USA consumer segmentation portal of 126 million households and 650 lifestyle and interest attributes empowers marketers like you to precisely target your ideal audience and communicate with them on a personal level. Mosaic’s data segments the US into 19 overarching groups and 71 underlying types, giving you the insights needed to anticipate the behavior, attitudes and preferences of your most profitable customers and communicate with them on their preferred channels, with messaging that resonates.

Mosaic helps marketers:

  • Match products to complement consumers' behaviors, needs and lifestyles
  • Leverage predictive insights, property characteristics and summarized credit and automotive data
  • Analyze groups and types by key demographics and attributes such as age, gender, income and presence of children
  • Understand location/market profiles with detailed geographic heat maps for each group and type
  • Compare and contrast groups and types

Experian also offers Mosaic® Verticals, providing marketers with more relevant data for the retail, health, insurance and finance, travel, telco, and automotive industries. Each vertical-specific portal includes the same 650 rich lifestyle and interest attributes to describe each of the 71 Mosaic segments and includes an additional 300 to 500 vertical-specific attributes to make Mosaic even more valuable. Mosaic Verticals helps marketers better understand purchase and shopping behavior beyond their first-party data by providing actions and attitudes that businesses care most about.

Why Experian?

Being able to identify your customers is the first step to data-driven advertising, and as leaders in the evolution of the advertising landscape, Experian Marketing Services can help you identify your customers and the right potential customers, uncover the most appropriate communication channels, develop messages that resonate, and measure the effectiveness of marketing activities and campaigns.

Brands have trusted Experian as a leader in data management and privacy compliance for over 50 years. 


For access to the Mosaic portal and to learn more, please complete the form below.

Contact Experian Marketing Services

Learn about our latest consumer segmentation solution.

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