Embrace the power of identity to boost your marketing performance.

In today’s hyperconnected, always-on world, consumers move across channels, devices and real-world locations at lightning speed. Keeping up with customers – and their data – to deliver relevant experiences can feel almost impossible. But it doesn’t have to.

MarketingConnect by Experian Marketing Services resolves customer identities to build a full customer profile that connects multiple touchpoints, transcends channels and devices, and merges offline and digital behavior. The result is a persistent, privacy-compliant identity that covers all aspects of a consumer’s day-to-day life. 

Achieve your marketing goals with identity-driven solutions.

Unify fragmented data points, declared and unknown, across offline and online touchpoints to create a holistic picture of your best customers and prospects. Our people-based graph grounded in over 50 years of referential data helps marketers accurately and consistently connect real individuals and households to data points like:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Cookies
  • MAIDs
  • IP addresses

Enrich your customer identities with additional data points like our ConsumerView national marketing database. From profile reports to data appends, a single customer ID tied to attributes like demographics, purchasing habits and lifestyles can power great insights, marketing analytics and rich targeting capabilities. ConsumerView offers coverage on 95% of the U.S. population, including:

  • 300+ million individuals
  • 126+ million households
  • 1,500+ individual and household level data elements
  • 2,500 geo-level attributes

When you can confidently create a single customer identity, it’s easier than ever to reach the people who matter most to you. To create targeted, yet scalable audiences that can be activated across channels, MarketingConnect powers audience creation capabilities like:

  • Standard ConsumerView audience attributes
  • Lifestyle segments through Mosaic USA
  • Custom look-alike models
  • OmniActivation Connect’s third-party data marketplace

With a single ID, planning and launching campaigns across channels for a coordinated, surround-sound campaign is easier than ever before. Experian’s robust network of media destinations and onboarding capabilities helps deliver addressable audiences at scale across channels like:

  • Direct mail
  • Email
  • Social media
  • Online display
  • Mobile display
  • Advanced TV including CTV and OTT

MarketingConnect lives up to its name. With a single, persistent customer ID, we connect marketing campaign data to your audience’s real-world actions, from website visits and app downloads to store visits and ultimately, sales.  OmniImpact is tailored to your measurement needs and goals. Our progressive, flexible approach offers a variety of analytics solutions including:

  • Website activity, pixel-based measurement
  • Geo-location data insights
  • Cross-device measurement
  • Closed loop measurement, including offline point-of-sale data via Hashed PAN Resolution
  • Multi-touch attribution 

The value of your data is maximized when it can be used when and where you need it. We’re data and platform agnostic which means our linkage can help your data management and marketing systems “talk” to each other. When Experian serves as your single source truth for customer data, we can fuel:

  • Safe haven matching between companies and data sets
  • Customer Data Engine for data management
  • Addressable campaigns across channels through the OmniActivation Audience Engine  for addresasble campaigns
  • Closed loop measurement and marketing analytics through OmniImpact
  • Real-time data delivery through APIs
  • Data distribution and onboarding to the martech and adtech platforms you already invest in

As the world’s largest data company responsible for highly personal data including credit to healthcare information, privacy is the cornerstone of Experian’s business model. Customers can rest assured that all marketing data is managed following the strictest regulatory standards for consumer privacy and data ethics. We ensure our identity-focused solutions:

Comply with all federal and state regulations

Protect your valuable customer data

Respect consumers’ rights to notice, choice and opt-outs

You can’t afford not to know your customers.

Ready to push your marketing beyond what you believed was possible? Connect with one of Experian’s MarketingConnect experts today to learn how a single customer view can help you launch targeted, measurable moments that drive your business forward. 


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Experian featured in Enterprise Identity Resolution Platforms: A Marketer's Guide.

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IP Address Resolution

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Busting the myths of identity