The pandemic had a profound impact on consumer lives and also changed how consumers shopped. While holiday spending* increased in 2020, social distancing guidelines and concerns about overall health shifted consumer behavior online and away from traditional in-store shopping.

As planning begins for the 2021 Holiday season, retailers need to know what consumer behaviors will be to plan their marketing campaigns. In the spirit of the upcoming season, our team of analysts went to work to make holiday campaigns easier for you.

Our experts identified 7 Mosaic Groups representing 44% of US Households and account for 66% of online holiday behavior during 2020. Each group has their own distinct shopping and media preferences, so we outlined who these shoppers are, where they’re shopping and what channels marketers should use to reach them.

Download the report and learn:

  • Who are Holiday Retail Shoppers?
  • Are there distinct segments of these shoppers, and if so and what differentiates them from each other?
  • Will they be shopping in-store during Black Friday, or will they purchase online? 
  • What marketing channels are the most effective to reach these consumers, and what kind of messaging resonates with their decision to buy?

Contact us to learn more about the tools that made our holiday report possible. For example, we used our new purchase-based dataset to help us find where consumers are shopping. 

Our forecasted trends for the upcoming season are based on 2020 and current data. While historical data is usually a strong predictor of future behavior, circumstances are rapidly-evolving. We recommend keeping a close eye on the latest CDC public safety guidelines while strategizing your campaigns. 

Easier said than done, right? Experian's newest solution, Discovery Platform, is here to help you monitor consumer behaviors as they adapt to the latest headlines. Discovery Platform gives you access to mobile location data while safeguarding consumer privacy. Mobile location data can show you when customers start or stop shopping in-store again, so that you can deliver the right campaigns to the right audiences. Check out our blog to learn more about Discovery Platform.

Download the holiday marketing eBook

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