Healthcare Contract Management
Ranked #1 Best in KLAS 2023 Revenue Cycle - Contract Management
Unfortunately, missed payer payments and underpayments happen. Identifying and correcting these inaccurate payments often falls to healthcare providers. These errors can cause stress and volatility to your revenue cycle.
Simple human error is the main reason why medical claims are denied. The smallest typo or discrepancy can lead to an immediate denial, and reworking a claim rarely increases its chance of being more accurate. Streamline claims management by checking that every claim is clean and error-free before it is submitted. Fewer denials and reworked claims mean a faster and more predictable revenue cycle, as well as lower administrative costs and more time for staff to focus on patient care.
You need automated access to the right data. Our solutions help you get reimbursed accurately and quickly, while strengthening your relationships with payers.
Avoid payment delays and lost revenue with automated payer policy and procedure change notifications.
Audit payer contract performance to assure compliance—and maximize revenue.
Duke Private Diagnostic Clinic partners with Experian to evaluate contacts and ensure they are being paid appropriately. They can now identify system issues that could result in underpayments.
The University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics saved time and money implementing a contract management system that allows them to monitor payer compliance and audit remittances based on latest payment rules and adjudication logic.