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Experian Employer Services and Irvine Consolidated: Better Together

Irvine Consolidated is a combined team of the best, most passionate Workday® consultants in the industry. We are here to serve as your advocate, and to align your organization’s needs with Workday’s® capabilities. No matter where you are in your Workday® journey, from start to finish, we have the resources you need.

Learn more about our partnership

Who is Experian Employer Services?

As the world of work is evolving, employers are asking us for alternatives to outdated practices and complacent legacy providers to meet their new challenges. At Experian Employer Services, we’re keeping the focus and flexibility that you value in boutique providers and adding the resources and security of Experian.  With over 75 years of combined industry experience, we are already improving the performance and experience of over 2,000 employers with over 17 million employees. And we are just getting started.