The industry’s leading hosted solution for business decisioning, Decisioning as a ServiceSM provides greater flexibility in deploying decisioning strategies based on specific business needs, budget and available resources.

Decisioning as a Service is a streamlined delivery method engineered to help Experian clients gain greater value from data and decisioning products. It does so by providing flexible, real-time, access to more data sources, attributes, scores and analytics.

Decisioning as a Service shifts the focus from deploying solutions to using them, helping companies acquire high-quality clients, reduce loss, and better respond to regulatory changes.

Decision making strategy

A holistic decisioning process is at the heart of the platform:

  • Predictive risk and behavior variables called attributes are derived from raw customer and credit-bureau data.  
  • Attributes are fed into models, which generate scores that allow you to accurately predict the risk of fraud, default and bankruptcy.
  • Scores then enable you to better decide on the most prudent and appropriate customer treatments and offers.
Accessing the Hosted Solution

Experian’s secure hosting facilities provide a world-class environment, purposefully built for delivering mission-critical capabilities. Products across the customer-life cycle can now be conveniently accessed through your existing credit-bureau connection.

Based on international best practices and standards, these facilities offer multiple layers of logical and physical security, as well as far-reaching disaster-recovery protection.

Benefits from using the Hosted Solution

This process can be used at all stage of the customer lifecycle. Whether you’re prospecting, acquiring new customers, managing your existing portfolio or collecting on delinquent accounts, Decisioning as a Service can assist in:

  • better qualification, approval and take-up rates
  • less bad debt and fewer fraud losses
  • lower manual review costs
  • greater regulatory compliance 

Experian’s world-class products and capabilities can now be conveniently accessed through your existing credit-bureau connection.

Reduce capital and IT expenditures by starting with a few initial decisioning improvements. Then, add features and functionality as you move through the customer lifecycle. Paying only for what you use.

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Decisioning Strategies

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Members Walk In With A Deposit, Out With A Loan

Read about how Instant Prescreen is helping Western Federal Credit Union link members' accounts to instantly prescreen current credit information, qualifying the member for additional loans.

Prequalifying to Boost Reponse and Reduce Risk

Immediate access to information can improve a credit manager's ability to prescreen, prequalify and ultimately prospective borrowers.

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Decisioning as a Service Delivery

Decisioning as a Service is currently available as a delivery method for these products:

  • Prescreen
  • Prequalification
  • Credit Underwriting
  • Customer Management
  • Collections
  • Fraud Management