LCT Alert Banner test. Learn more

ASSIST//ckSM empowers you to:

  • Systematically profile accounts and monitor transaction trends
  • Meet regulatory compliance requirements
  • Implement automated systems and processes required to monitor, detect, investigate, document and report money laundering activities
Enhance Your Profitability

Analyze how money moves in, around and out of a bank or other business. ASSIST//ckSM identifies suspect patterns of behavior, creates reports and helps reduce the administrative burdens and costs associated with manual compliance processes.

Combat Money Laundering

Some of the world's largest and most-respected financial institutions, including banks, brokerage firms and other businesses, rely on ASSIST//ck to help combat money laundering and meet regulatory requirements including those outlined by the USA PATRIOT Act and other international regulations.

Maximize Performance While Minimizing Your Effort
  • Give the responsibility of analysis, programming, implementation and integration to compliance and technology experts
  • Expedite implementation with our fast-moving technology team
  • Avoid hefty fines and negative publicity due to noncompliance
  • Easy to use and navigate

ASSIST//fe, the Web-based counterpart to ASSIST//ck, enables compliance officers to view and manage customer alerts, share progress and delegate compliance efforts enterprise wide in a safe and secure environment.

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Call us at 1 305 913 3747.
