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In the current economic environment, implementing the most effective strategies is critical to ensure that your organization meets key business objectives while adhering to organization constraints.

Our industry-leading optimization product, Marketswitch Optimization®, will improve internal processes by assessing each consumer at the individual level and determining the best decision or action to take to yield the highest possible return.

Optimization for Acquisitions

Stay one step ahead and outpace your competition. How? By creating robust consumer level decisions to deliver more targeted offers, increasing response rates, and obtaining higher profit margins and market share gains.

  • Test different acquisition strategies via champion-challenger simulations before implementation.
  • Improve customer satisfaction and adoption by offering relevant products based on customer contact and lifestyle preferences while balancing organizational priorities.

Optimization for Customer Management

Our optimization technology helps you create advanced account management strategies and increase profitability by determining the best consumer level actions while identifying opportunities to strategically grow the portfolio to maximize profits and minimize risk exposure.

  • Retain the most profitable customers and modify account terms of higher risk segments to ensure accounts meet long-term revenue goals.
  • Grow profitable customer and prospect segments by designing cross-sell campaigns on individual preferences, propensities, channel value and business objectives.

Optimization for Collections

Optimization provides clear direction for collection strategies from early to late stage collections by segmenting delinquent accounts to determine which accounts to collect, how and when to contact, and how to allocate resources to maximize collectable dollars.

  • Recognize how to maximize the productivity and performance of internal and external resources while minimizing costs.
  • Identify the optimal collection treatment based on an individual customer’s risk score, likelihood to pay, and total dollars collectable.

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