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How our solutions work

Staying competitive in today’s fast-paced market means making strategic decisions—quickly. In order for business users to make tactical and deliberate decisions, they need immediate access to corporate data.

Our cutting-edge data quality management platform features robust data profiling, monitoring, and analysis capabilities that empower business users to make more informed and timely decisions.

Developed with both business and technical users in mind, our data quality management platform enables users to execute tasks that typically take hours or days in just a few minutes. We make it easier to discover relationships across billions of attributes whether you’re working with relational databases, delimited files, or spreadsheets so that you can unlock the true potential of your data.

Intuitive user interface: Requiring no coding experience, it is simple for both businiess and technical users to nagivate

Convenient reporting: Create reports and dashboards with 24/7 monitoring and alerts

Seamless integration: Install our data quality management software on premise using commodity hardware

Simple data importing: Input data from multiple sources via JDBC, and let the built-in rules profile the data automatically

Enhanced collaboration: Enable multiple users to collaborate with role-based security permissions

Increased reliability: Backup your data and manage redundancies with a file system repository


  • Data profiling and data discovery
  • Data standardization
  • Data cleansing and enrichment
  • Defect monitoring and resolution


  • Power data-driven decisions
  • Streamline migration projects
  • Reduce compliance risk
  • Leverage actionable insights

Our data quality management platform offers:


Data standardization

Our data management software also standardizes your data. Simply define how you want your data to be formatted, and our data standardization solution transforms it into your desired specifications.


Data monitoring

Our data management software monitors the quality and accuracy of your data. Receive automated alerts when data quality falls below a specified threshold.


Data cleansing

Our data cleansing services are an essential part of your data management strategy. Validate your address, email, and phone contact records before use.


Data profiling and discovery

Our data profiling and discovery tool enables you to quickly analyze and discover relationships between datasets. This helps you find outliers and issues with your data, and lets you resolve data quality issues before they become a problem.


Data migration

Our data migration tool de-risks your data migration projects by flagging potential data issues and challenges so that you can move your data on time and on budget.


Data integration

Our data integration tool allows you to analyze and query data from different sources without having to build and run complicated SQL queries.

Learn more

Learn how Experian Data Quality can work as your strategic data quality partner.

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