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Wealth Insight AttributesSM

Gain timely and actionable insight to consumer financial behaviors and needs

Wealth Insight Attributes™ provides a multi-dimensional view of micro-neighborhood household wealth, investment portfolio, credit, automobile ownership and marketing characteristics giving financial organizations unprecedented insight into consumer trends and market opportunities.

Powered by verified direct-measured investor data reported monthly by over 850 leading banks and broker dealers, patent-pending data aggregation technology and thousands of Experian proprietary data sources, Wealth Insight Attributes is uniquely positioned to support financial institutions’ ability to:

  • Reduce cost of acquisition by prioritizing prospects that closely match profitable customers
  • Grow share of wallet by focusing resources on clients with significant cross-sell potential
  • Optimize marketing ROI through customized messaging and offer personalization
  • Increase efficiencies by focusing resources in geographies with significant market potential
  • Improve decision making by developing proprietary models for marketing and business-planning applications 
Freshest wealth data available

Monthly investment data updates provide a more accurate picture of your customers’ and prospects’ evolving financial profiles and competitive pressures, allowing you to allocate resources effectively and take advantage of timely market opportunities.

Unmatched data granularity

Experian’s patent-pending data aggregation technology enables the creation of better dynamic micro-neighborhoods. Households within a micro-neighborhood are highly similar from a demographic and behavioral perspective and variation across micro-neighborhoods is increased. The net result is more granular and differentiating data attributes for better targeting, modeling and segmentation results.

Comprehensive coverage of consumer wealth

Wealth Insight Attributes provides more than 270 U.S. household-wealth statistics at the micro-neighborhood level based on verified direct-measured wealth data reported by over 850 financial institutions nationwide. Data attributes include total household assets by asset type and client market share, as well as comprehensive equities and funds profiles including assets by Price to Earnings ratio, assets by sector, assets by style box and assets with dividend yield.

Enriched with consumer credit, marketing and automotive data

Wealth Insight Attributes combines U.S. household measures of wealth with Experian’s industry-leading credit, marketing and automotive household statistics to provide the most actionable insight into consumer needs and behaviors.

  • Premier Aggregated Credit StatisticsSM —More than 400 Premier AttributesSM and Experian proprietary scores that represent the entire U.S. consumer credit population. The statistics are derived as average values for more than 220 million credit-active consumers on Experian’s consumer credit file, aggregated at the ZIP+4 level. Elements include available credit, credit capacity, credit risk and activity by debt type.
  • ConsumerViewSM geo-summarized at the ZIP+4 level — More than 800 consumer marketing characteristics including demographics (i.e., age, income, occupation, presence of children), behavioral/lifestyle characteristics (i.e., interests, activities, charitable contributions), census and realty information (i.e., home value, mortgage payment, dwelling type), media consumption, channel preference and more.
  • Auto Market StatisticsSM — More than 170 attributes and factor codes that provide insight related to automobile purchase behaviors and ownership at the ZIP+4 level. Elements include statistics related to vehicle ownership, age, price and class.

All of our data attributes are combined across data sources using a single key to deliver maximum ease of use.

Flexibility to Meet Evolving Regulatory Requirements

We understand that you need flexibility to respond to changing regulatory pressures. Because our source data is not tied to demographic characteristics, we have ample flexibility to modify our models and algorithms for different applications and regulatory requirements.

  • Experian’s proprietary ZIP+4 roll-up algorithm optimizes ZIP+4 combinations in order to preserve as much granularity in the data as possible while meeting a client-specified minimum number of household aggregation requirements (seven households minimum) to maintain anonymity.
  • Pairing customer wealth data with Experian’s consumer credit, marketing and automotive information provides modelers with access to more than 16,000 data fields for use as potential explanatory variables.
  • All Wealth Insight Report Attributes data is depersonalized and aggregated at the ZIP+4 level to ensure consumer privacy.

Learn more about Experian Wealth Insight Services today

Three ways to request more information:
  • Contact your local Experian sales representative
  • Email us at
  • Click the button below to complete our contact form
Wealth Insight Services brings you the power of direct-measured wealth data
  • Comprehensive
  • Current
  • Actionable
  • Trusted and secure