Developed as a joint venture among the three major credit reporting companies (CRCs) Experian, Equifax and TransUnion, the VantageScore credit score combines cutting edge, patented and patent-pending analytic techniques to produce a model that offers more consistency across bureau platforms, along with the ability to score a broader population.

More Predictive. The use of more granular data delivers a more accurate score.
More Stable. The use of blended time frames represents current market conditions better.
More People Scored. A broader and deeper set of credit file data and unique segmentation of data scores ~40 million more consumers than other models.

Easier for Lenders to Use. Easier for Consumers to Understand.
• A familiar 300 to 850 point scale
• The use of a single model across all three CRCs decreases score variances
• Easy-to-understand reason codes are explained with approaches for resolution
• Model governance to ensure regulatory compliance
• Consumer education, transparency and inclusive lending practices

Model Acceptance

Market Use/Model Acceptance

With the usage of VantageScore credit scores growing to 300 percent just in the last five years, find out how many credit scores were used in loan originations.

Model Validation

Model Validation

VantageScore Solutions annually validates VantageScore credit score models. This is the first validation study of VantageScore 4.0 since its launch.

Model Conversion

Model Conversion

Learn more on the process of implementing a new credit scoring model for your business.

VantageScore 4.0: A new standard in credit scoring innovation

VantageScore 4.0, the fourth-generation tri-bureau credit scoring model from VantageScore Solutions, sets a new standard for predictive performance and modeling innovation, pioneering several industry “firsts” that benefit lenders and consumers alike.

VantageScore scientists incorporated groundbreaking modeling techniques and strategies into the development of VantageScore 4.0:

VantageScore 4.0 is the first and only tri-bureau credit scoring model to incorporate trended credit data. Trended credit data reflects changes in credit behaviors over time, in contrast to the static, individual credit-history records that have long been available in consumer credit files. The VantageScore 4.0 model leverages trended credit data to gain deeper insight into borrowing and payment patterns, particularly among consumers in the Prime and Superprime credit-score bands. Discover more details about application of trended credit data in VantageScore 4.0

  • VantageScore 4.0 leverages machine learning techniques in the development of scorecards for consumers with dormant credit histories (those with no update to their credit file in six months). 
  • VantageScore 4.0 is the first and only tri-bureau credit scoring model to be built in anticipation of data suppression associated with the CRCs’ National Consumer Assistance Plan (NCAP). NCAP provisions include the removal from consumer credit files of public record information; specifically, tax liens, civil judgements and collections information.

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Trended Data Attributes in VantageScore 4.0

This VantageScore paper explains what Trended Data attributes are composed of, performance benefits, and examples of underlying consumer credit behaviors used to construct these attributes.

Attention Consumers

The VantageScore Credit Score Used By Lenders Is Also Available To Consumers

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VantageScore for consumers

Credit Score Migration Study

This VantageScore study analyzes consumer credit score migration over time, and how lenders can take these migrations into consideration.

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