New predictive metrics to optimize your campaigns

With the lending landscape continuing to be increasingly competitive, lenders are in search of new advancements in propensity to open models. Experian’s advanced suite of In the Market ModelsSM identifies consumers who will be in the market for a specific type of new credit product in the next 1-4 months, allowing for proactive campaign planning, increased conversion rates and a greater return on marketing investment.

Increased profitability

Using In the Market Models in marketing campaigns allows you to refine segmentation strategies and tailor offers to achieve higher open rates, resulting in a greater return on your direct-marketing investment.

Unlike traditional response models, In the Market Models identify consumers who are truly in the market to accept your offer and open a new account, driving increased book rates and higher profitability.

The models incorporate unique Experian analytics, including Premier AttributesSM, the credit industry’s most advanced and comprehensive set of attributes that have proven to provide significant lift in model performance, and trended credit data to further increase prediction.

By incorporating In the Market Models within marketing campaigns, you can increase open rates by 50 to 100 percent while decreasing marketing costs. Additionally, no inverse risk/response relationship was found when applying In the Market Models as it identified consumers who opened accounts at both the prime and non-prime levels.

A suite of possibilities

In the Market Models predict a consumer’s propensity to open a new account within a one- to four-month window, with individual models offered for each of the following account types:

  • Auto (loan and lease)
  • Bankcard
  • Home equity
  • Mortgage
  • Personal loan/Loan consolidation
  • Retail
  • Student loan
Multiple points of application

Optimize your strategies across the Customer Life Cycle:

  • Prospecting — Increase book rates and reduce marketing campaign costs by using In the Market Models within your prescreen criteria.
  • Market expansion — Successfully grow into new territories and launch new products by determining the ideal consumer for your offer.
  • Cross-sell — Maximize existing customer relationships by understanding customer needs and designing relevant and timely cross-sell offers.
  • Retention — Secure refinancing or second-offer opportunities by identifying which consumers within your existing portfolio will be in the market for a new credit product.
Next-level prospecting

The suite of In the Market Models provides lenders with enhanced prospecting capabilities that go beyond traditional response models to drive improved book rates and overall return on marketing investment. Refine your marketing efforts and add a new layer of advanced decisioning to focus your efforts on prospects who will drive revenue and profitability for your enterprise.

FCRA compliant

The suite of In the Market Models fully complies with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Our prescreening process is designed to meet FCRA standards by providing you with only those consumers who meet your pre-established criteria.

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Let us help

Contact us today to learn more about Experian's suite of In The Market ModelsSM.

Call: 855-339-3990