Employment Credit Checks for Effective Hiring

Employment InsightSM helps you make better employee hiring decisions by quickly and cost-effectively providing objective and factual credit information. Credit information provides insight into an applicant’s integrity and responsibility toward his or her financial obligations.

Get an Objective Picture of Each Applicant
Employment Insight enhances traditional employment decision-making tools by:

  • Quickly verifying and expanding on information you receive from applicants and other sources
  • Revealing conflicting information that may need further review or clarification
  • Providing credit information that would normally not appear on an application but may have an impact on job performance

High-Quality Information and Cost-Effective
Experian maintains credit information on approximately 220 million U.S. consumers, providing the most current, comprehensive and accurate credit information available in the industry. With our low per-report cost, you can include Employment Insight as an additional guidance tool for every applicant.

Complimentary Report for Applicants
If an individual requests a copy of the report, Experian will provide it free of charge regardless of whether or not a job offer was made.

Legal Guidelines
The Fair Credit Reporting Act, as amended by the Consumer Credit Reporting Reform Act of 1996, allows users access to a consumer’s credit report for employment purposes. The law imposes several conditions on users who pull consumer reports for employment purposes (Experian’s Employment Insight report). Learn more about legal guidelines.

Employment Credit Report

Product Features:

  • Consumer identification, including Social Security number
  • Address information, including length of time at current and previous addresses
  • Employment information, providing insight regarding an applicant's previous work history
  • Other names used, such as maiden names and aliases
  • Public record information on bankruptcies, liens and judgments against the applicant
  • Credit history providing an objective overview of how financial obligations are handled
  • Demographics Band (including driver’s license and phone number verifications), Profile Summary (including payment patterns), Fraud ShieldSM and Direct CheckSM are optional add-on services 
How to Order

Employment credit reports are available in seconds using an inexpensive software package or online, eliminating the need to wait days or weeks that other background reports often take.

To find out more about Employment Insight, contact your local Experian sales representative or call 1-888-414-1120.

Get More Information

The form below is for requests from businesses only.
If you are a consumer looking for fast resolution to your consumer credit questions, please visit our Personal Services Contacts page.

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Find Out More

Get online access to Employment Insight.

Talk to one of our representatives today. Call 1-888-414-1120.

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