Taking Collections Data Mining to a New Level

What Your Peers Are Saying: United Collections Bureau

Michael Karosas, Chief Operations Officer, United Collection Bureau, Inc.

We are a third-party collection agency focused in the financial services, telecom and medical industries.

How Did You Become Associated with Experian?

I became associated with Experian through my employment with the United Collection Bureau. In my past lives in the industry, we were always tied to Equifax. This company had the Experian relationship. I was able to meet the personnel and learn about the products. I’ve been very  impressed with not only the products that Experian offers, but also the resources they invest into developing new ideas and targeting what our industry needs are.

Describe Your Relationship with Experian.

I was impressed from the very first executive council. Each year I give it praises, and each year I say I’d love to come back again. I absolutely believe that it’s a great partnership. It really is one of the things that sets them apart from other credit bureaus.

What Are Some of the Experian Products You Use?

We rely on the credit report and the RecoveryScoreSM very heavily in all of our strategies. All of our strategies are driven off of the RecoveryScore. Most recently, we’ve invested a lot of our time and intellectual capital into developing a phone file where, as opposed to looking at it from a consumer level and the phone that they own, we’re looking at the phone number and who owns that phone. The intent is to build the phone file so that we can data mine and better focus in on who owns that phone number and where is that phone number terminating. If it’s a cell phone, we’ll know who owns that number and how long they’ve had it. We’re using a lot of Experian data to help build that internal file.

What Would You Like to See More of From Experian?

I think that Experian does a great job of connecting with their partners. I think that Experian even further enhanced the executive council by inviting the creditors this time. I really think you do a fantastic job of understanding what our needs are and setting your sights on developing a solution for those needs.

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"I’ve been very impressed with not only the products that Experian offers, but also the resources they invest into developing new ideas and targeting what our industry needs are."

Michael Karosas, COO
United Collections Bureau, Inc.


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