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Synthetic identity fraud. It doesn’t just affect portfolio performance; it can also hurt your reputation as a trusted organization. Our consultants can help you fight fraud while protecting your customers and your organization from further attack.

It’s a real risk

Synthetic identity fraud is an epidemic impacting all markets. There is a strong focus on new and underbanked consumers, which can pose a large threat to your onboarding and customer management policies, and most importantly, overall profitability.

We can help you reduce synthetic identity fraud losses by helping you understand the extent of your exposure. Our consultants will perform a thorough review of your policies and procedures across the customer lifecycle. These reviews will analyze specific attack profiles, identify high risk dollar losses, and use the insight gained to implement a comprehensive synthetic identity mitigation strategy.

A progressive approach to discovery and resolution

Our highly qualified fraud management consultants will utilize their real-world experience to help you understand:

  • How much you could lose, or are losing, to synthetic identity fraud.
  • How synthetic identities are onboarded to your portfolio and how to better prevent them.
  • How to build a barrier to synthetic identity fraud, now and in the future.
  • How to ensure your institution is contributing to the solution and not the problem.

We have helped manage fraud and improve identity verification processes across the customer lifecycle within dozens of industries across the globe. For us, it’s all about helping you effectively mitigate synthetic identity fraud while providing a positive customer experience. Let’s get you and your customers protected – give us a call.

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Synthetic Identity Mitigation

Stay one step ahead of fraudsters

Top 3 Benefits

1. Reduced fraud losses stemming from synthetic identity attacks.

2. Lower operational costs through a reduction of false positives, referrals, and manual reviews.

3. Future-proofed synthetic identity policies designed with key performance indicators.

How can our consultants help you?

Learn more about our Consulting Services.


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