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Strategic Assessment of Risk-based Loan Pricing and Relationship Profitability

Experian’s business consultants offer banks a loan pricing assessment whereby an in-depth review of the bank’s financial status, strategic plan, lending process, and credit management posture related to – loan yields, net loan losses, net interest income, fee income and earnings – will yield a report of findings and recommendations.

A strategic assessment of risk-based loan pricing and relationship profitability will add to the bank’s ability to measure and govern the risk and return of the credit lending function and select action items that will improve its lending performance.  The report will also include an external overview of how the bank ranks versus peers and industry practices along with recommended action items to address the findings.


The return-on-investment a bank can expect to see will be based on our client’s current financials versus their potential earnings related to advancing their pricing capability.   Risk-adjusted pricing and earnings will likely yield:

  • Higher commercial loan yields, or protected loan yields for an already high-performing bank
  • Reduction in net losses through better alignment of credit risk and borrower selection
  • Greater accuracy of interest rate risk that account for loan costs and terms
  • Increased interest income by growing a smaller loan portfolio without sacrificing price or quality

Discovery Session

To learn more about a strategic assessment of risk-based loan pricing and relationship profitability, complete this form for a complimentary discovery session to determine whether your bank will benefit from improved pricing processes

About the Global Consulting Practice

Experian’s business consultants deliver powerful insight which is used by clients to enhance credit management strategies across their consumer and small business portfolios and the customer lifecycle.  The Global Consulting Practice is a credentialed consultancy dedicated to creating measurable and sustainable value for organizations around the globe in financial services, banking, mortgage, automotive finance, telecommunications and utilities, microfinance, retail credit, and debt collections.  We specialize in analytics-based decision strategies, data-driven solutions, regulatory compliance and fraud risk management across acquisitions, customer management, collections and overall portfolio management.

Experian’s business consultants provide clients with exceptional credit and fraud risk management strategic insight, detailed enhancement opportunities, and deployment strategies through deep business subject-matter expertise and client intimacy, and a client engagement methodology to ensure consistency.   We have deep knowledge of data, analytics and software and have demonstrated the ability to synthesize this intelligence with the deep understanding of credit management principles and practices to solve our clients complex business needs.

  •  Average of 20 years experience per consultant
  • 43 consultants based throughout Asia Pacific, EMEAI, NA and the UK
  • Over 300 engagements across the globe in the past 12 months
  • Teams with local knowledge of best practices
    To learn more, contact your Experian representative or call 1 888 414 1120.

Experian's Global Consulting Practice

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