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Risk and Portfolio Management Essentials

Recruiting and retaining skilled risk management employees is crucial in any financial organization. Beyond that, employee engagement is vital to reducing employee turnover and essential to the organization’s success, but it can pose a challenge. Experian’s Risk and Portfolio Management Essentials is designed to help drive employee engagement, while increasing credit risk and portfolio management skills.

This two-day workshop provides in-depth insight into the fundamental practices of risk management, such as:

  1. Train new employees on risk management best practices
  2. Link risk management to the profit and loss of a business line
  3. Demystify risk management across various business functions

Additionally, the course offers four break-out sessions where participants are asked to simulate the impact of strategic decisions on a representative credit portfolio. These simulation exercises put the essential learnings of the course into practice.

Register for our upcoming Risk and Portfolio Management Essentials workshop here.

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Risk and Portfolio Management

Effectively manage credit risk and profitability

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