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Business Review of Agency Management

A proven way to improve performance

Experian’s global consulting practice offers utility and cable providers a business review that focuses on agency management within the post write-off, or debt recovery processes which includes:

  • Vendor selection and performance requirements
  • Post final bill collections agency assignment strategy
  • Recovery and debt management strategies for segmentation and agency pricing
  • Agency scorecards and competitive market share management 

This in-depth review of your agency management processes is executed through a proven methodology that leverages global best practices and a deep understanding of the collections life cycle. Experian’s thorough situational analysis of your company includes a review of current:

  • Systems, processes, and tools
  • Organization of assignment strategies
  • Data and analytics
  • Agency management
  • MI and reporting

An achieveable, action-driven plan

From this analysis, Experian develops a report of findings and a recommended action plan for achieving quick win opportunities, long-term initiatives, and strategic projects.

The recommended action plan is further prioritized into a phased approach to migrate your processes into a best practice environment. Quantifiable business benefits for the proposed initiatives are clearly defined and accompanied by tactical objectives that lay the foundation for accomplishing an achievable long-term business strategy.


The agency management business review helps our utilities and telecommunications clients to:

  • Identify key profitability drivers for your organization
  • Reduce operational expense by automating:
  • Agency assignment
  • Recall
  • Payment processing
  • Leverage key MI for performance management, agency scorecards, and competitive market share programs

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Insight and action: An updated guide to help utility companies optimize their collections strategies

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Client testimonial

“Experian has enabled us to improve customer satisfaction with sophisticated segmentation enabling us to treat all customers in collections appropriately.”

- Manager, Credit Policy