General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Protect your business and consumers from data breaches by complying with GDPR
The GDPR includes guidelines that organizations have to follow if they’re impacted by a data breach. This includes:
The GDPR defines a personal data breach as “a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, personal data.” The guidelines add that this even includes an incident that results in personal data being only temporarily lost or unavailable.
13% of companies have had more than 20 data breaches that were required to be reported under GDPR, while only 10% of those data breaches were reported to the regulator, according to Experian’s Annual Data Breach Preparedness Study, conducted by Ponemon Institute.
To avoid consequences for not adhering to GDPR compliance, including fine and more, businesses must make sure they’re equipped with the data privacy protection solutions they need.
From data profiling software to deduplication programs and data mining tools, we can help you better deliver on customer expectations with the right data.
Transform your data from disparate sources and systems into a consistent format so that you can identify errors, outliers and other issues within your data sets.
If you’re impacted by a breach or want to prepare beforehand, our experts can help.
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