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DecisionIQ Premier

Streamline your new customer approval process with automated decisioning

Satisfied customers are loyal customers. When you make it easy to do business, you’re better positioned to keep customers for the long term. That’s why we built DecisionIQ Premier with some of the most flexible tools of any online credit application processing system. Because when business credit decisions are fast and easy, customers come back for more.

Common business challenges

Four challenges prevent many businesses from optimizing their business credit portfolios. How many of these are you facing today?

  • Poor customer experience — Slow turnaround times for new customer approvals leave prospects frustrated, making them easy targets for your competitors.
  • Missing documentation — Incomplete applications can create bottlenecks and stall the customer setup process.
  • Inefficient workflows — Disorganized processes drain your resources and increase customer acquisition costs.
  • Rigid tools — Online applications may require costly IT intervention to update or modify.

Your automated decisioning solution

DecisionIQ Premier is a premium end-to-end application that fully automates the credit decisioning process. It’s fast and reliable, requiring no manual data entry. With integrated workflow processing and a rules-based decisioning engine, now supporting judgmental scorecards and custom model integration, it delivers the streamlined credit application experience your customers demand — and lowers customer acquisition costs for you.

Get more details

Learn more about DecisionIQ from this product sheet.

Modernize your credit process

Free eBook:  Pivotal Growth — a path to modernization

Get More Information

To request more information, call us or complete the form below.

1 877 565 8153

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