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Capture Customer Loyalty when You Offer Experian Affinity Services

Only 37% of survey respondents are knowledgeable about credit monitoring services.1 Are your customers among them? When you offer your customers our credit monitoring products, you not only help them monitor their credit and identities, but you also deepen the value your organization contributes to their financial wellbeing


The Case for Offering Credit Monitoring Products

Preventing fraud – especially identity theft – has become a priority for many Americans. With credit monitoring products, customers can find out about changes as they happen, while engaging more with your brand, feel more valued and reward your service with enhanced loyalty.

When you provide your customers with credit-focused solutions from Experian® Affinity, you create greater loyalty for your brand. By helping improve their credit literacy, you build a more educated, engaged customer base.


Experian Credit Monitoring Products Provide Your Customers with:

     Daily monitoring of 50 leading indicators of identity theft, including new loans and medical collections
Resources to help them detect signs of fraud sooner. Early detection can help minimize the damage of fraudulent activity
The ability to increase credit awareness, which can help them make better credit choices
Alerts of any key changes in their credit reports, including suspicious activity that could cost them thousands of dollars each year
Access to Experian’s award-winning Fraud Resolution Services agents who can help your customers recover faster

Why Experian?

As a recognized, trusted provider of credit information services, Experian provides its partners with valuable features for their members. Partnering with Experian to provide credit education and information to your customers enhances customer engagement and builds your organization’s reputation as a brand that helps consumers understand their credit.

1. Credit/Identity Monitoring Product Feature Study, January 2014, Experian Consumer Services

2. IBIS World Industry Report 56145, March 2013

3. Harris Interactive Study, October 2013